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Whenever there are a new member joining the team (board member/staff writer), the web manager has to make a user account for them. Then they can be assigned as a writer for their articles or can make changes on the website depending on their role.

Url to login to WordPress: https://seattlecollegian.com/wp-login.php

How to make a new WP user?

  1. On WP dashboard → "Users" → "Add New"

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  1. Fill in details as shown. You can use the "Generate password" function for now. Later, you can email prompt to ask the user to change password by themselves. Keep the password somewhere, as they will need to access their account the first time so that they can change their password.

For user roles, assign as follow:

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  1. Prompt the user to change password. "Users" → locate the targeted user → "Send password reset". *Do this right after sending them WP user credentials (step 5 in Steps for Onboarding a new member - for web manager) to avoid confusion of the team member.

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How to create an author box?

  1. Select the targeted user

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  1. Fill in contact information.

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  1. Fill in Bio details and upload image

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  1. Similar to step 2, fill in "Social Profiles", and "Author Box Settings". Make sure to select "Display e-mail" and "Show website icon" (if the user has a website url or social media account.)

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  1. Click "Update User". All done. Check the result on the website.