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*Create Collegian email address for Editorial board members only, unless otherwise directed by team leader to create it for some staff writers.

**The email address in this tutorial is for demonstration only

Requirement: public first name and last name of the team member that they want to use on the website.

  1. Login to Dreamhost (credentials are on the "Administration" Google doc)
  2. Go to "Mail" → "Manage Email" → "Create New Email Address"

Screen Shot 2021-11-30 at 12.43.43 PM.png

  1. The email format: firstname.lastname@seattlecollegian. Put the member's public first and last name as shown (2) Don't forget to change the domain from "@beta.seattlecollegian.com" to "@seattlecollegian.com" (3) Capitalize the first letters of first and last names for "Mailbox 'Name'" (4) I like to use passwordsgenerator.net to generate passwords. Keep it well to use later.

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  1. Successful email creation will show this message:

Screen Shot 2021-11-30 at 1.07.40 PM.png